Released in 1989, “Right Here Waiting For You” was written by Richard Marx and was his best selling and most covered single. He wrote it as a love letter to his wife, Cynthia Rhodes – the actress who played Penny in Dirty Dancing.
This is a great intermediate practice piece, often reaching into the higher notes. Letter notes below, enjoy 🙂
G-^C ^D-^D^E
Oceans apart
^E ^D-^C ^D-^C-A
Day after day
A B ^C-^D B G-G
And I slowly go insane
G ^C ^D ^D-^E
I hear your voice
^E ^C ^D-^C-A
On the line
A B ^C-^D B ^C ^C
But it doesn’t stop the pain…
^C^C^D ^E ^F ^E ^C-^D-^C-A
If I see you next to never ~
^C ^D ^E ^F ^E-C-CAG
How can we say forever?
^G-^G-^F ^E ^D
Wherever you go
^D-^D-^E ^F ^E
Whatever you do
^C ^C ^D ^E ^D ^C-B A G
I will be right here waiting for you
^G-^G-^F ^E ^D
Whatever it takes
^D ^D ^E ^F ^E-^D-^C
Or how my heart breaks
^C ^D ^E ^F ^E ^D-^C B ^C
I will be right here waiting for you…