Released in 2015, “Secret Love Song” by Little Mix ft. Jason Derulo is a love-ballad which translated over into letter notes quite nicely.
A great one for beginners on any instrument – sounded good on flute! Happy practice 🙂
A B ^C# ^C# ^C# ^C# ^C#
When you hold me in the street
A B ^C# B A G# G# A
And you kiss me on the dance floor
A B G# G# A ^E A A
I wish that it could be like that
E F# A ^E A A
Why can’t it be like that?
A ^D ^C#-B-A-B
‘Cause I’m yours ~
B ^C# ^C#-^C# ^C# ^C#
We keep behind closed doors
A – B ^C# ^E ^F# ^E
Every time I see you,
^C# ^C# ^C# ^C#-^C# ^C#
I die a little more
A – B ^C#-^E ^F# ^C# ^D
Stolen moments that we steal
^D ^D ^D-^D ^D
As the curtain falls
^D ^D ^D-C# A B-^C#-B-A-B
It will never be enough ~
A B-^C# ^C# ^C# ^C# ^C#
It’s obvious you’re meant for me
A – B ^C# ^E ^F#
Every piece of you,
^E ^C# ^C# ^C#-^C#-^C#
It just fits perfectly
A – B ^C#-^E ^F#-^E ^D
Every second, every thought,
^D ^D ^D ^D
I’m in so deep
^D ^D ^D-^C# A B ^C# B-A B
But I’ll never show it on my face
A B ^C# ^D
But we know this
^E ^E ^F# ^E
We got a love
^D ^C# ^C#-^D
That is hopeless…
E A B ^C# ^C# ^C# ^C# ^C#
Why can’t you hold me in the street?
A B ^C# B A G# G# G# A
Why can’t I kiss you on the dance floor?
A B G# G# A ^E A A
I wish that it could be like that
E F# A ^E A A
Why can’t we be like that?
A ^D ^C#-B-A-B
Cause I’m yours…