Any short but easy songs I could play? Forums General Any short but easy songs I could play?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  nat 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #4133


    As a beginner on the saxophone, I’m starting to learn 2 things :

    -How to breathe properly and relax.

    -How to spell ‘saxophone.’

    But other than that, I haven’t learned how to smoothly carry out a full song, because I run out of breath quite quickly. So.. any short and easy songs?

  • #4144


    Hey Amy! Sorry for the late response, however your post is timely 😀

    Following requests from others, i’ve been working on a super-list! …a way to order the songs here based on a number of factors – length of song, number of unique notes, pitch range of notes in song, etc…!

    It’s not quuuuite ready yet, so for now i have a few options for you

    a) Browse the songs i’ve arbitrarily marked as ‘easy’ : (‘easy’ is so subjective and instrument-based, ive done my best!)

    b) pick a song you like and focus on the chorus 😀

    c) theme tunes! short 🙂

    d) mario – because i really wanna hear mario on sax 😛

    Would love to know what you end up going for?! Let us know the best easy songs for saxanoobs 😀


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