Could you add this song? Forums Feedback / ideas Could you add this song?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Elena 4 years, 4 months ago.

  • Author
  • #6695


    Could you add the Neverending Story Theme? I found that the notes were easy to figure out, but are still tricky at times. This would very helpful, THANKS!!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘

  • #7372


    Hi there! I’m pretty sure the owner of the site isnt around anymore because she has other obligations but i suggest you look on flute sites, they may have it x

  • #7375


    Which song and how do you add songs I would like them to add faded by Alan walker and lost without you by Freya ridings

  • #7438

    Wyatt Jensen

    could you please add the adele song “set fire to the rain”? i really like this song, but cant find the letter notes ANYWHERE. THX!

    -Wyatt J.

  • #7439


    Guys Nat hasn’t come on this site since 2018 so you might want to look on a different website…

  • #7442


    We should contact Nat through twitter to see if maybe she can come back to NoobNotes! (she hasnt come on since 2018)P.S. I have found her twitter account but I don’t have access to twitter on this computer so just search “Nat noobnotes twitter”

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