I use this site when I teach Scratch Programming and it's perfect!

NoobNotes.net Forums Feedback / ideas I use this site when I teach Scratch Programming and it's perfect!

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Belle 4 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #7370


    I teach Scratch Programming to elementary aged kids, and one of the topics we cover are “note blocks”. These blocks use piano notes, and settings to sound like different instruments, to make songs one note at a time. It used to be a challenging lesson, which was really only enjoyed by the kids who played piano- but thanks to Noob Notes they can make all their favorite songs! Easily!

    Noob Notes has completely changed the way I teach music in Scratch, but it’s also created some wonderful memories. On fathers day, everyone’s dads joined and they worked together to make songs. The dads were amazed- and it was by far one of the best lessons i’ve ever taught. I’ve had kids make Disney Songs, Hercules and Frozen are BIG hits, and i’ve had kids make their own versions of others. I adore this website, and how much easier it has made a challenging lesson for younger students. Thank you for making this!

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