[DONE] Remember me – Coco

NoobNotes.net Forums Song requests [DONE] Remember me – Coco

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  nat 7 years ago.

  • Author
  • #2510

    Carrie Streb

    Remember me – Coco (Disney)

  • #2513


    Hi Carrie, I haven’t seen Coco yet (can’t wait!) but checked out the song on youtube and it’s really lovely 🙂 I’ll do my best to try and work out the letter notes, at least to the English part at the start – I have a feeling it’ll be extra difficult to work out the notes to words in another language haha Thanks for your suggestion! nat

  • #3186


    Hi Carrie, I’ve just published ‘Remember Me’, you can find the letter notes here: https://noobnotes.net/remember-me-coco-disney/ I hope the notes are close enough and you enjoy your practice! I’m going to jump into some fast-happy-music now haha 😀 -nat

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