No more new songs – enjoy what's here :) Forums Learning music :) No more new songs – enjoy what's here :)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Rick 4 years, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #7325


    Hi lovely music players,

    Just taking a quick moment to reiterate an update as of December 2018:

    It’s with a heavy heart that I’m announcing that I’ll no longer be adding songs to NoobNotes due to other commitments. The site will remain available for educational and community purposes.

    Stay in contact! Start a chat in the forum to share your own experiences or letter notes, or get stuck in and start browsing 🙂

    Happy playing 🙂

    As you can see, I still linger around now and then to make sure the spam isn’t getting out of control and everything is still running smoothly for you all.

    There are many reasons for this decision and I hope that’s respected. However I do hope that you continue to enjoy what’s here and keep on sharing your journeys and discoveries with each other.

    Take care everyone!

  • #7326


    If you are looking for more sites with letter notes like this, check this post here:

  • #7329


    I am new to your site and am just starting to teach myself piano (at the ripe age of 58). I wanted to thank you so much for what must have been a time consuming labor of love. I can’t begin to express how much joy your site has given me and am so thankful for being able to benefit from your hard work. I hope your new endeavours are going well. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

  • #7388


    I used to be play recorder and recently started to teach myself again, and I absolutely love this website! I know this must’ve been a lot of work and I can’t tell you how thankful I am for it. As sad as it is that you won’t be here anymore, I wish you the best of luck in your new commitments! (Sorry I’m answering so late, I only recently found this site)

  • #7390

    Jeff Ferren

    If you ever get to a point where you do not wish to host and control this site any longer, please let me know prior to shutting down.

    I would be more than willing to host and continue to present the site. You can contact me at the email provided.

  • #7393


    I just discovered this site after dusting off a keyboard I bought 3-4 years ago and never touched. I was working with some beginner books but this site made me feel so much more confident. I could actually recognize something I was playing (even if I wasn’t doing it very well) and the no chords approach is helping me get used to the fingering before leaping into 3/4 fingers at a time. Thanks for this site!

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