[CLOSED] Pls I need these songs as soon as possible

NoobNotes.net Forums Song requests [CLOSED] Pls I need these songs as soon as possible

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  nat 7 years ago.

  • Author
  • #2517


    Bad liar. Selena Gomez

    Attention. Charlie Puth

    Dear future husband. Meghan Trainor

    Shout out to my ex. Little Mix

    And also just pls start uploading more songs that are like new and trending.

    Thanks, someone who needs notes

  • #2518


    Hey Boo, thanks for your post ๐Ÿ™‚

    You’re right, i don’t do many new/pop songs, that’s because i don’t really know them! I’m nearly 30 and usually listen to metal or electronic music, and do this as a hobby in my free time, so i hope you understand that’s why I tend to post older / well-known-by-all songs.

    A great place to find music notes to newer songs is here: http://flutersmusic.blogspot.co.uk/ -i’m not sure if they have the songs you’re looking for, but it’s definitely more modern and poppy, good luck!

    nat ๐Ÿ™‚

  • #3177


    Hey Boo – I have been consciously trying to upload more new and trending songs (along with the disney and classics) so i hope some of them are to your tastes ๐Ÿ™‚ nat

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