POLL: How many of the songs on NoobNotes have you played?!

NoobNotes.net Forums Polls POLL: How many of the songs on NoobNotes have you played?!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Rico 6 years, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #4169


    How many of the songs on NoobNotes have you played?!
    Vote now!
  • #4597


    Hey thank you so much for this website me and my friends love it ????. I was wondering if there any websites similar to yours ? Also could you possibly start doing songs from little mix they are amazing and my cousin loves them and it would be awesome to play them for her thanks so muchhh ????

    • #4705


      Hey Lauren, thanks for your comment! I’ve made a list of similar sites i’ve found along the way, you can find it here: https://noobnotes.net/forums/topic/other-sites-with-letter-notes/ please feel free to any others if you find more too =) re Little Mix, she’s not an artist i listen to, but will look into it ๐Ÿ™‚ Until then, I hope you enjoy the other notes here! -nat

  • #4748


    around 8-10

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