Recorder beginner students 10-14 years Forums Feedback / ideas Recorder beginner students 10-14 years

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  nat 7 years ago.

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  • #3427

    Ann Louise Flynn

    Dear Nat, Your work is excellent. Thank you.
    As I go through your website, I find the level you recommend, but what I need is only for Beginner. Really, really simple!

    Please do you have a list of the songs you recommend are for Beginners – I have started a club for Recorder, and a couple young teenagers on piano, and there are some percussion instruments, a xylophone…
    We are in Moosonee, in northern Ontario. These children have so little access to music…. please help me.

    I make the sheet music myself if I cannot find it online-I draw the recorder holes, fill them in, etc. I have prepared Frere Jacques, Happy Birthday, will get ready Twinkle Twinkle, Mary Had a Little Lamb, etc.
    I use Youtube to help the students listen, watch, learn.

    Thank you for trying to help me so I can efficiently use your wonderful website.
    Anne-Louise Flynn

  • #3429


    Hi Anne-Louise, thanks so much for your message ๐Ÿ™‚

    At the moment the best way to get to the most simple songs is either:

    1) Browse the ‘hildren’s song collection here:

    2) Browse the songs I mark as ‘easy’ here:

    I think what you’d really benefit from is an easy way to browse songs with the smallest note ranges, is that right? …sounds like a fun programming challenge to me!


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