'Do Re Mi' notes (solfege)

NoobNotes.net Forums Learning music :) 'Do Re Mi' notes (solfege)

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  nat 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #2986


    Hi musicians!

    It’s now super easy to play ANY of the songs on NoobNotes in ‘Do Re Mi’ notation!

    Just look for green ‘Note Settings’ section at the start of the song, and setting the ‘Note Format‘ to ‘DoReMi‘ – simple ๐Ÿ™‚

    Once set, your preference will be remembered when browsing any song on the site!

    Who is this for?

    In many European countries, children are taught ‘Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti’ unlike in English-speaking countries which teach ‘A B C D E F G’. Being able to translate between the two makes these notes more useful to more people!

    Give me an example?!

    Here’s the same bit from ‘Happy Birthday’ in both ‘A-B-C’ and ‘Do Re Me’ notation:

    C-C D – C F E
    Happy birthday to you

    Do-Do Re-Do Fa Mi
    Happy birthday to you

    You’ve made a mistake translating into Do-Re-Mi (solfege) notes!

    Thanks for letting me know! DoReMi / Solfege is new to me, just let me know what is wrong and i’ll look at fixing it!

    Can you add other types of notation?

    Yes, quite easily! I just know much about what kind of notation is use around the world, but if you can help explain that I can make it work ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sweet, thanks! What made you think to add this?

    I noticed that ‘Do Re Mi’ from the ‘Sound of Music’ is ALWAYS the most popular song on here, by miles!! I know it’s a well loved song, but really?! …then I thought about it – the song itself is about Maria (Julie Andrews) is teaching the kids ‘Do Re Mi’ notes – perhaps people were landing here looking for notes in Solfege notation, rather than the notes to ‘Do Re Me’! And then the coding began ๐Ÿ˜€

    Other questions or comments?

    Just reply below – i’d love to know if this proves useful ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks and happy practice!

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