C Major – Kalimba

NoobNotes.net Forums Feedback / ideas C Major – Kalimba

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Bill Taylor 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #4677


    Maybe allow searching songs by the scale they are on? i can ony play C major on my kalimba and it would be awesome to be able to search that way

  • #4702


    Hi Natalia, thanks so much for your post! I’m working on a few updates to NoobNotes in the background so your idea is well timed! I think this would be a really valuable feature, so i’m doing my best to make it possible ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll give you updates as they come =D Nat

  • #4916


    Hey Natalia! It’s been a while but i think i sorta have a solution for you ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’ve generated a list of songs which are a) in C Major or b) can be moved into C Major by clicking the “Move to C Major” button in the note settings =D You can find the list here: https://noobnotes.net/browse/browse-songs-in-c-major/

    I was shacked to see that the list says most songs can be moved to C Major…! …so i suspect i may have made a mistake somewhere =P I’ve checked loadsss of tunes and all seem be to good to play in C, however if you spot any that don’t work, it would be really helpful to let me know so i can fix the problem =)

    I really hope this helps to get you playing a load more tunes on the kalimba =D I’d love to know how you get on ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy practice!

  • #5998


    Has anyone here applied for a training contract with Irwin Mitchell? I found a link to your site on latestlawjobs.com.

  • #7358

    Bill Taylor

    I just happened on this site through a google search and though I am now 75 and preparing to go eye to eye with my Maker, my MS has taken most of my muscle tone and I needed to give my Fenders and Ovation to other Christian players to keep them praising YHWH. Playing a song written in D is simple on the C Tuned or G Tuned Kalimba. All it takes is to prepare Tabs, note tabs, from any piece of music, preferably the song you wish to relax with.

    Make a scale map by drawing the five lines and four spaces and name them, beginning ob the bottom line the lines are Every Good Boy Does Fine. I’ll each of you can figure the spaces from the bottom up are FACE. One line and space below the bottom and the line is C and space is D.

    That new line is C4, your center note on the C Tuned Kalimba.

    There are two Clefs on sheet music and you ignore the Base or lower scale. On the top scale, there are, most often two notes and I usually use the top notes for my instrument.

    WAIT! Wait, now, do not panic! Above, below or on a blank sheet write the note and before you can get upset, suddenly you are learning to play that song as good as any old fart with fifty years experience.

    Now look at any Kalimba Tabs found on line and songs with high notes, those in the C5 through the 6 range have dots and the really high, the few 6 notes have two dots. Don’t forget to not the dots and space between notes and WOW! You have an old reformed drunk musician for a teacher.

    Relax, play you instrument!

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