Theme songs Forums Song requests Theme songs

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  nat 6 years, 8 months ago.

  • Author
  • #3802


    Dawn pride and prejudice
    And Jessica theme song

  • #3856


    Hey Cat, thanks for your suggestion πŸ™‚

    Unfortunately I can’t really cater to lyric-less music πŸ™

    I usually write the notes above the lyrics to help the player work out what part of the song they are on, and also to provide timing information. Without the lyrics, it’s just a bunch of A-G letters, which is why i’ve not done many like that.

    I did the Mario theme in that format to test the water, but the general feedback i got was that it was confusing to read unless you know the tune 100%. I hope this explains my reluctance towards writing out the instrumental songs, although if you can think of a better way of presenting it, i’m always open to ideas ?

    I’ve said the same to other requests for the Harry Potter theme, Star Wars etc… I think it’s just a bit beyond what i can offer at the moment. Best I can suggest is to grab the sheet music and write the notes on there – i can’t really do that for you due to copyright issues etc, the tunes i do here are my interpretations.

    Let me know if you have any other (lyric-based!) suggestions, util then i hope you enjoy the other songs here πŸ™‚

  • #4275


    Hi Cat, just to follow up on your requests for Theme songs, it did make me think that there are lots of TV theme songs with lyrics which I could do (Flintstones, Family Guy, Friends, other shows not starting with ‘F’ :P) and i’ve been tagging them up so they can be found here: – I hope they’re useeful to you πŸ™‚ nat

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