POLL: What are your favourite songs here?! :)

NoobNotes.net Forums Polls POLL: What are your favourite songs here?! :)


This topic contains 22 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous Human 4 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #3931


    What are your favourite songs here?! πŸ™‚ (check all that apply!)

    I’m interested to know what songs you enjoy and what brings people to Noob Notes πŸ˜€ What’s your favourite?!

  • #3948


    As well as knowing your favourite type of songs, it’d also be really interesting to know the individual ones you like best!

    My favourites are…
    1. Feed the Birds https://noobnotes.net/feed-the-birds-mary-poppins-disney/
    2. I Dreamed a Dream https://noobnotes.net/dreamed-dream-les-miserables/
    3. Don’t Stop Me Now https://noobnotes.net/dont-stop-me-now-queen/

  • #4001

    Faith Yin

    Can you put some modern Christian music (like stuff from Hillsong, TobyMac, Chris Tomlin, etc.) on here? I love using this for Greatest Showman music, though!

    • #4007


      Hey Faith, thanks for the suggestions! I don’t know those guys in particular, although have set up a bunch of song collections, one is ‘Christian’ and you can find it here: https://noobnotes.net/song-collections/christian/ -a lot of them are hymns (from the school days!) and christmassy stuff, but is the best i can offer at the moment as i don’t tend to listen to religious music πŸ™‚ I hope you enjoy them, i’m always adding new stuff do so keep checking back! nat

    • #5339

      Niamh Humphrey

      Yes that would be wonderful

    • #6629


      Omg your my fav person here I am also Christian and I LOVE THE GREATEST SHOWMAN:) also Nat could you add I can only imagine by mercy me

  • #4132


    I love the Beauty and the Beast stuff because that’s my favorite film, though I wish the song Belle went on somewhat longer, and I also I love the new Family Guy theme because that’s my favorite TV show. Also a huge Disney fan in general so all those are great. And some of the classics like Flintstones, The Adams Family, Mamma Mia, Dancing Queen, and stuff like that I love. I also really love the Adams Family in particular out of that list, you got the notes down for that really good.

    • #4147


      Hey Barrett, i loved your comment, thank you! We’re loving all the same tunes it seems πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Have you tried ‘Dont Stop Me Now’?! I’m hooked at the moment! The Addams family tune was a labour of love – blood, sweat and tears went into that, it was sooo tricky to work out, so i’m extra happy to have heard that, thank you!! I’ll look into Belle for you, i get distracted with all the songs.. πŸ˜‰ Nudge me if i take too long! I hope you enjoy the other stuff on here til then, nat πŸ™‚

  • #4138


    I love all from the more recent times and musicals. Any chance you could do songs from Hamilton?

    • #4149


      Hey Hannah! I’ve not seen the whole thing yet, just 1 song and it was cool! I wasn’t sure about the rap-style parts, i’ll have to look again at some point πŸ™‚

  • #4156


    All Star by Smash Mouth

    • #4519


      haha i remember spending sooooo long trying to work out the rappy style parts – i’m so glad you’re enjoying it =D =D

  • #4980


    Add hamilton!!! Please.

  • #4986


    I really like Zombie by the cranberries, it’s so fun to play on Piano, saxophone, and tin whistle. I do wish you had Africa by Toto, which I believe may be on another website or something but maybe I haven’t found it yet. If you have time, maybe you could add that one?

    • #5032


      Hey Kayleigh, thanks so much for your comment! I had totally done Africa, just had forgotten to post it πŸ˜› Here it is now: https://noobnotes.net/africa-toto/ I hope you enjoy it as much as Zombie πŸ˜€ nat

  • #5393


    I love all of them. Can you add more Maroon 5 songs like she will be loved and this love? I really love how you take time to do this! Thanks for all you do.

  • #5726


    Would love if you could add some steven universe songsπŸ‘πŸ˜›
    Ps.love this website

  • #7344


    Hi I love all of the songs my favourite is probably when the saints go marching in πŸ˜‚:)
    I was wondering if there was a chance you could do Vannessa Carltons A thousand miles
    Or maybe the Wii Sports Music
    I love this webpage so much thanks for making it !

  • #7347


    Can you do Unbrella by Rihanna? thanks!

  • #7350


    Could you please add more Grace VanderWaal music? I play ukulele and recorder (mostly the ukulele) and I love all of her songs. Also, I can read music but I am so horrible at it, and when I found this website I was so happy. Do you have any techniqies for reading music better for me?

    Thank you so much for making this website.

  • #7398

    Anonymous Human

    Could you do the WII theme song? (if you already did it sorry I cant see all of the songs because there are soo many)

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