Song request: All that Glitters by Earl Forums Song requests Song request: All that Glitters by Earl

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mathew Dalton 6 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #4136

    Mathew Dalton

    Upbeat rhythm. A little bluesy. Great song to add to your collection.

  • #4341


    Hey Mathew, thanks for the suggestion ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve taken a listen and it is pretty cool! It made me think to do White Town ‘Your Woman’ haha ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m still considering this one, as learning the song / working out the notes / writing it all up take a while and therefore try to pick ones which either a) i love ๐Ÿ˜› or b) have mass appeal (hence ‘High School Musical’ songs :P) – at the moment i’m going through an 80’s binge so you’ll be seeing a lot of blasts from the pasts! -nat

  • #4451

    Mathew Dalton

    Love “Your Woman” by White Town. It that done? I will look thru your site!

    I’m working on All that Glitters, but have only worked thru the first few bars. Sadly, I am nowhere hear as talented as you at this. Lol.

  • #4532


    That’s kind Mathew, thank you! My ability to pick out the notes has definitely improved over the 3 years i’ve been doing noob notes ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m constantly playing through the songs on the site, refining the notes, fixing typos, taking on feedback from users, and adding extra bits i work out etc, the whole site is definitely an ongoing work in progress!

    What’s really helped me is to start out playing along to the song at .75 speed on youtube =P that helps me work out the rough starting notes, and from there i start writing bits down and the other parts start to flow naturally. The better i know the song, the easier it is! Also much easier when there’s only 1 person singing at a time ๐Ÿ˜› When i have a section of notes, i practice it til i can play up to speed, then play along to youtube again, usually still at slow speed, to check what i have is about right.

    It’s a pretty long process, but its a nice way to spend my free time ๐Ÿ™‚ I tend to be working on around 10 songs or so (on and off) at a time, to avoid that feeling of getting ‘stuck’ on a song – i often dramatically give up on a song forever, only to go back a week or two later, and the notes flow out the flute like they’d been impatiently waiting =P

    I’ve just published ‘Your Woman’ – that was a lot of fun to work out ๐Ÿ˜€ The notes are here:

    Keep at it Mathew – you’ll get there ๐Ÿ™‚ If you want me to go through anything, i’ll do that happily ๐Ÿ™‚ -nat

    • #4558

      Mathew Dalton

      Dang! I’ve been playing along with my itune version, but to learn it at full speed is challenging. Lol. I didn’t realize that youtube lets you play the song at slower speeds. That helps a lot!
      I’m working on getting Queen, Don’t stop me now played at full speed. When I get there, I will email you a recording. I will play thru Your Woman a bit tonight…..I see what you were saying, the beginning sounds similar to All That Glitters.

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